ICOM publishes third report on museums, museum professionals and Covid-19

Image: cottonbro Canva CC0
Image: cottonbro Canva CC0

In its third report on museums, museum professionals and Covid-19, ICOM (International Council of Museums) concludes that the museum sector is still trying to grasp the long-term consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Following its surveys in the spring of 2020 and in the autumn of 2020, ICOM launched a third survey between 15 April and 29 May 2021. This time, ICOM analysed around 840 responses from museums and museum professionals across five continents.

One of the findings is that the situation of museums in the spring of 2021 worsened slightly compared to the autumn of 2020. Another finding is that the shift towards digital content continued on a massive scale.

Read the full report here.

Source: ICOM.

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