Brexit will strengthen European support for return of Parthenon Marbles, says Greek minister

The Sculptures are also called the Elgin Marbles, named after the British Diplomat who acquired them for the British Museum.
The Sculptures are also called the Elgin Marbles, named after the British Diplomat who acquired them for the British Museum. Image: Wikimedia CC BY-SA 2.0

Greece is set to step up its campaign for the return of the Parthenon Marbles as the waning British influence on the EU is expected to encourage the European peers to support the cause says Lina Mendoni, the Greek Minister of Culture. Greece has repeatedly called for the return of the sculptures that British diplomat Lord Elgin removed from the Parthenon temple in Athens when Greece was under the Ottoman Empire rule.

The British Museum maintains that the sculptures were acquired by Elgin through a legally contract with the Ottoman Empire, Greece calls it a theft. With the 200th anniversary of Greek Revolution and Brexit, Mendoni says that the time is ripe for return of the sculptures which adorned the 5th century BC monument. Read more on the issue at Reuters.

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