Finland proposes 13 Alvar Aalto sites for World Heritage List

Alvar Aalto Museum, Jyväskylä, Finland Image: Tiia Monto (wikimedia/ CC BY SA 3.0)

The Finnish Heritage Agency has proposed a list of 13 Alvar Aalto sites for inclusion on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The works are to be included under the nomination The Architectural Works of Alvar Aalto – a Human Dimension to the Modern Movement” and is proposed including a guideline which allows for the addition of sites outside of Finland in the future.

Alvar Aalto (1898 – 1976) was a world famous Finnish architect, artist and designer of furniture, glassware from the 1920s to the 1970s. Despite his legendary status among architects, his works have not been added to the World Heritage ist yet.

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