UNCHARTED is a four-year H2020 research and innovation action which aims at understanding, capturing and fostering the societal value of culture. It started in February 2020 and involves 9 partners led by the University of Barcelona.
After the release, at the end of the first year of activity, of the deliverables produced by Work Package 1 Understanding the Societal Value of Culture and the First Policy Brief which summarizes the research outcomes in short and focused messages targeting policymakers, the project obtained other fundamental results during its second year:
- The research activity carried out by Work Package 2 Identifying the Emergence of Values of Culture was completed
- The 1st UNCHARTED workshop was held in Porto
- The Work Package 3 Measuring and Imagining produced its first output
The Work Package 2, led by the University of Porto, studied the emergence of values linked to culture in practical contexts and in the field of cultural policy administration. The analysis regarded four fundamental arenas of cultural practice identified in the UNCHARTED project: cultural participation in live arts and culture, cultural participation through media, cultural production and heritage management, and cultural administration.
The results of these analyses and the basis for future actions are presented in seven deliverables available on a dedicated webpage on UNCHARTED website.
The 1st UNCHARTED workshop was held on 16-17 September 2021 in Porto to discuss the results of the WP1 and WP2 research: the case studies of WPs were presented and an extensive discussion was opened to face the conflictual plurality of values in cultural participation, cultural production and heritage, and in cultural administration.
The Work Package 3, led by the University of Bologna, addresses the central challenge of understanding the tensions relating to how different actors in the cultural field construct, measure, compare and rank the values they attribute to culture. Further research will be implemented in the frame of WP3 which, until now, completed its first result: D3.1 Report on WP3 case studies.
The validation of the research results conducted in the research WPs is carried out by Work Package 5, led by the Eötvös Loránd Tudomanyegyetem, through the testing of a series of concrete cases planned in Budapest, Porto, Barcelona and Volterra.
The future planning also envisages the Central event that will be held in London in January 2023 to present and discuss the new outputs of the project and the 2nd UNCHARTED workshop in Barcellona in June 2023.
More details about the work and the results of the investigation groups are available on the dedicated pages on the UNCHARTED website and all documents produced are available for download.