‘Heritage for the Future’ symposium to be held in Paris this month

La Louvre, image via Pixabay.
La Louvre, image via Pixabay.

From the 15th-16th of March, heritage experts and scientists will meet in Paris to discuss the crossover between heritage and science. The symposium is being run as part of the French presidency of the Council of Europe.

The event follows four themes:

  • A reflexive heritage for a resilient society
  • Sustainable management of cultural heritage
  • Cultural heritage in a changing context
  • Cultural heritage climate and environment change

The symposium will highlight how an interdisciplinary approach between the humanities and the sciences can solve the challenges of our generation.

The crossover between heritage and science may be a surprise to some, but the Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine (FSP) has been around since 2013: they are optimistic about the interdisciplinary approach. Isabelle Pallot-Frossard, FSP president, told PAJ “the public and media are very interested in topics that focus on science in the service of art” [translated from French]. Furthermore, the foundation has high hopes for how this interdisciplinary approach can help in the climate crisis.

The symposium is composed of both lectures and round tables, split between the Museé du Louvre and other heritage centres in Paris. The roundtables will be run by academics from across Europe, as well as other professionals from a wide range of backgrounds.

The European Heritage Tribune looks forward to publishing the results of the symposium later on this month. The Tribune hopes to give an impression of these discussions, especially for young heritage professionals across Europe.

Details about the symposium (including a link to join remotely) can be found on the event page.

This article was originally published in English. Texts in other languages are AI-translated. To change language: go to the main menu above.
