Ahead of the ‘Horizon Europe’ programme, Europa Nostra issued 9 recommendations for future heritage-related research in the EU. The Horizon Europe programme is a planned 7-year initiative to spend €100 billion on research and innovation. Amongst others, Europa Nostra recommends to implement the European Framework for action on Cultural Heritage and the Berlin Call to Action “Cultural Heritage for the Future of Europe”.
Other key recommendations include overcoming thematic fragmentation of heritage research policy and acknowledging the role of civil society stakeholders as important contributors to heritage-related research, making it relevant for Europe and its citizens.
Read Europa Nostra’s complete statement here.
European Framework for action on Cultural Heritage
The European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage aims to capture and scale-up the success of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. The European Year of Cultural heritage aimed at encouraging more people to discover and engage with Europe’s cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space.
To ensure that the efforts initiated during the Year have a lasting impact beyond 2018, the European Commission has released a European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage.
Read more about the European Framework here.
Berlin Call to Action “Cultural Heritage for the Future of Europe
The Berlin Call seeks to engage as many organisations, institutions, governments, civil society actors and individuals in recognising the positive and cohesive power of Europe’s shared cultural heritage.
Read more about the Berlin Call to Action here. (pdf)
There is a social, political and scientific demand to continue and indeed increase EU funding for heritage-related research within the successive programme Horizon Europe. Through its Statement, Europa Nostra puts forward 9 recommendations for Horizon Europe to ensure a meaningful contribution to heritage-related research, bringing tangible benefits first and foremost to communities and society as a whole.
Europa Nostra
Read the full press release here.