Eurocities presents highlights from the ROCK project in new book

Bologna in Italy
Bologna in Italy. Image: Goldmund100 (Luca Volpi) Wikimedia CC BY-SA 3.0

Eurocities has published a new book: “Cultural heritage essentials: Policy findings for city makers, urban practitioners and cultural heritage lovers”. In the book, Eurocities presents the highlights from the ROCK project, in which Eurocities and ten of its member cities were partners.

From 2017 to 2020, the ROCK project demonstrated how historic city centres can become laboratories for testing new models of urban regeneration, sustainable development and economic and social growth. The ten partner cities were: Athens, Bologna, Cluj, Eindhoven, Lisbon, Liverpool, Lyon, Skopje, Turin and Vilnius. The ROCK project received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme.

In the introduction of the book, Eurocities Project Officer Cécile Houpert says:

“This book is for policy makers, urban practitioners and cultural heritage lovers. Drawing on lessons and experiences from the ROCK cities, we provide you with tools, recommendations and good examples to make the most of cultural heritage in your city. From sustainable adaptive reuse of cultural heritage, to city branding and smart specialisation, we take you on a journey through a multifaceted urban cultural heritage and how cities can work on it with citizens and for a brighter urban future.”

You can read the book online here, or order a physical copy here.

Source: Eurocities.

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