Historical books, manuscripts, newspapers and other texts are valuable for research and many archives have lent their collections for digitisation. In the last years, Europeana has brought together the content of more than 3.000 institutions accross Europe and let users search thourgh all of it. Now, Europeana anounced an improved quality of processing which allows for more contextual data to be discovered when searching for data.
Since 2017 Europeana has partnered with CLARIN to create the
necessary infrastructure to facilitate the discovery and linguistic processing of all texts. it is, for example now possible to perform a grammatical analysis of the text
It is a research infrastructure that was initiated from the vision that all digital language resources and tools from all over Europe and beyond are accessible through a single sign-on online environment for the support of researchers in the humanities and social sciences.
CLARIN (from the website)
The project is supported and carried out by CLARIN, a European research infrastructure for language resources and technology. CLARIN stands for “Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure”.
CLARIN makes digital language resources available to scholars, researchers, students and citizen-scientists from all disciplines, especially in the humanities and social sciences, through single sign-on access. CLARIN offers long-term solutions and technology services for deploying, connecting, analyzing and sustaining digital language data and tools. CLARIN supports scholars who want to engage in cutting edge data-driven research, contributing to a truly multilingual European Research Area.
Read more about the project and the possibilities at Europeana.